

Deliverance v3 includes new code modifications to improve the scientist following-AI and prevent scientist "freezing" problems around the levels. I have also made a number of other small tweaks to the code and enhancements to the levels. I hope that these changes will remove the bugbears of previous releases and make Deliverance as much fun as it can be.

The FAQ/Walkthrough link to the website doesn't work since the website has been down since early 2007. I've uploaded it here, Look in the downloads section for it.

v3 * Modified scientist following-AI to prevent them from stopping all the time. * Modified trigger_* entities to prevent scientist "freezing" problems with retinals. * Modified func_tank entity to make firing rates < 1 per second possible. * Modified monstermaker entity to delay respawning after death by the delay period. * Modified MP5 default ammo loadout from 25 to 50 * Modified player_weaponstrip entity to remove HUD during outro cutscenes. * Made several enhancements and bugfixes to the levels based on community feedback.

v2 * Fixed a bug that caused Barney to fail opening the security door in level 2. * Fixed several texturing errors in level 3a. * Made it easier to exit the elevator at beginning of level 3a. * Fixed a bug where scientists could close the security doors in level 3a/3b. * Made it easier to get into the ducting in level 3b. * Fixed a bug that sometimes caused scientist scripted sequence to fail in level 4. * Fixed a bug with the transition back to the menu from level 6.

v1 Initial release.

  • НазваниеDeliverance_v3.rar
  • Размер7.29 MB
  • Загрузок216
  • MD5CAA9389D186AB79C465BDDF72E37F701
  • SHA25694D18C15468B7C885405B21163694E0AB819C5DC341BB7341F0819E37CDCA75C


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Black Mesa
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