Authors note:
Deliverance is the product of many hours of amateur level editing and is my first single-player episode for Half-Life. Deliverance was conceived in the original spirit of Half-Life. If you liked the original, I hope that you will like Deliverance too.
Deliverance was designed for players who have completed Half-Life and are looking for something with perhaps a little more challenge. You will encounter scenarios in the levels which may require repeated attempts in order for you to develop a winning strategy. This is by design. Having said that, dying every ten seconds is no fun and so I have tried to make things interesting for you but not impossible! If you or the scientists keep getting killed, rethink your approach. If you really get stuck and need some help, take a look at the Walkthrough (see below for details).
Deliverance v3 includes new code modifications to improve the scientist following-AI and prevent scientist "freezing" problems around the levels. I have also made a number of other small tweaks to the code and enhancements to the levels. I hope that these changes will remove the bugbears of previous releases and make Deliverance as much fun as it can be.
I have attempted to balance gameplay for the Medium skill setting. However, if you are Rambo and like things tough, play these levels at the Difficult skill setting.
In the interest of a solid gaming experience, I have 'raised the bar' on performance. These levels have higher polygon counts than the original Half-Life levels and are designed for Pentium II class computers or higher with a hardware 3D-acceleration card. Players using computers without 3D hardware acceleration will find certain areas in the levels choppy, particularly during the combat sequences. I don't think that this will be a major drawback,however, given the prevalence of 3D acceleration boards amongst gamers.
I hope you enjoy playing Deliverance. Feedback is my only reward for creating Deliverance so please, give generously! Drop me a line and let me know what you thought of it. All comments and suggestions are welcome. Thanks. :-)
Kevin Lockitt
The authors email address and website has been down since early 2007.